Introducing: Pagetear

Here are the full details

I’m launching a new business!

🚨 Introducing: Pagetear

A monthly subscription for web copy that improves conversions.

→ Unlimited requests
→ 48 hour turnarounds
→ No AI-written content
→ Pause anytime

Here are the full details:

Why start this?

My goals for this are a little different than you might expect.

1. Focus my work around writing
2. Build a small customer base (10 max for now)
3. Serve them well and build great relationships
4. Evolve this into an un-agency of one
5. Hang out w/ my kids a lot

I've been writing copy and improving landing pages for CRO for years.

Companies like Samsung, TripAdvisor, Betterment, all the way down to small startups have used my recommendations.

I've always done it, and I love it.

Who is this for?

I'm not gonna say that anyone with a website should subscribe.

Instead, consider joining if you're:

→ A marketing or design agency
→ eCommerce brand w/ good amount of SKUs
→ SaaS company w/ multiple content channels

These companies will get A+ value.

Biggest benefits to subbing?

It'll vary per client, but here are the big ones:

→ Highly affordable compared to freelance help
→ Work directly w/ a highly experienced writer
→ Tackle 15 projects a month, not 3
→ Unlimited brands for agencies
→ Quick turnaround times
→ Pause anytime, resume seamlessly
→ Multiple variants for every request
→ All content written by a human
→ 100% async communication

How does it work?

1. Subscribe
2. Take questionnaire
3. Get access to your board
4. Start making your requests
5. Requests are worked on one-by-one

You can sign up on Tuesday morning, and your first task could be started that afternoon.

What copy can I request?

Sky's the limit.

If the request is WAY different, let's talk. We can probably work something out.

Here's a big ol' list of inspo:

A few FAQs:

What does “unlimited requests” mean?

You can add hundreds or even thousands of requests for copy in your board.

All tasks will be handled one at a time, so prioritization is key.

How fast will I get my requested copy?

Output will usually be delivered to you within 48 hours.

The only exception to this is when you request much larger tasks or projects.

If this comes up, we'll decide together on an appropriate timeline.

Can I really pause anytime?

Yes! Look, you may have months where you have hundreds of copy requests.

But you’ll also probably see times where requests are light, and you need to take a break from Pagetear.

And that’s totally fine.

What if I'm interested, but not convinced?

Totally understandable.

Let’s hop on a free discovery call to see if this makes sense for you.

You can ask any and all questions, and I'll even try to give you some free tips for your pages.

Final thoughts

Look, this model isn't for everyone.

I'm approaching this as a realist.

I plan to cap the amount of customers I serve, so I can do great work for them and spend quality time with my family.

That's the business.

Lots of opinions about this biz model, but I'm excited to learn.

If you're an agency owner or need copy/CRO help for your startup, let's chat.

Even if we don't end up working together, I'm happy to give you some recommendations.

I'm capping the amount of clients I take on at 10.

You can subscribe now, right here:

Thanks for your support!

— Blake

P.S. I do referrals too. Meaning:

If you refer a customer to me, I'll pay you 5% of their monthly revenue.


or to participate.