Reach anyone you want

Don't worry, it's super simple.

You can literally reach (and in many cases book calls with) anybody on the planet.

Works best on LinkedIn and you’ll see why.

Here’s how I’ve been doing it:

  1. Use advanced search to find the person (or people) you’re targeting

  2. Send them a blank connection request

  3. Within 10 mins of them accepting, view their profile

  4. Record a voice note in their DMs (only works on mobile)

  5. Use this script ⤵️ 

Hey {Their Name}, {Your Name} here.

Thanks so much for connecting. Thought I’d leave a voice note to say if you ever want to talk {Topic Related to Their Job Title} I’m happy to be a helpful friend and give some free advice.

I’ll be on the lookout for your posts and I’ll be sure to throw some likes and comments your way.

Seeing those convos get responses like 60% of the time (uncommon results for any platform obvi).

Have had 5 discovery calls for a $3k+/m service booked just from the natural progression of convos started from this.

Even the people who rejected me said things like “Not interested, but awesome voice note and happy to stay connected.”

Give it a go — it works and it’s simple.

Til next time,

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Learn how to launch and grow an affiliate program for SaaS:

  • Principle 1: Make it simple for affiliates to earn money

  • Principle 2: Run your program like a professional

  • Principle 3: Build an affiliate recruitment system


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